Food and beverage transport logistics: challenges and solutions

The Covid-19 pandemic brought a significant increase in consumption via e-commerce and, consequently, an increase in the volume of deliveries. This had a direct impact on logistics, which reinforced care with the distribution of specific products, both for the industry and for the end consumer.

The food industry is known to be one of the most important in logistics and also one of those that faces the most challenges, from the beginning to the end of the production and delivery process. After all, food is a basic human need.

When we talk about food transportation, it is necessary to be aware of the specificity of the segment. Regardless of the economic scenario, the sector has always presented specific challenges. Are they:

  • Specific storage (care with the product during transit, adequate temperature, cleaning and ventilation of the vehicle, etc.)
  • Goods tracking;
  • Adapted vehicles and appropriate equipment that will be used for the load;
  • Risk management;
  • Freight monitoring and insurance guaranteed for all loads.

Resolution 275, from Anvisa, provides the following guidelines:

  • Food products must be kept at the temperature stated on the label;
  • The transport, loading and unloading processes must ensure the integrity of the food, which must be stored for as short a time as possible, avoiding damage to the packaging or products.
  • The vehicle cannot transport other products that, in any way, may affect the integrity of the food;
  • The vehicle must be clean and covered to protect the load.

Regarding the vehicle that will be used for transportation, the guidelines are:

  • The driver’s cabin must be isolated from the part where the food is located;
  • The inspection certificate must be up to date;
  • The vehicle must be equipped with plastic boxes and platforms to store food and the floor must be sealed to prevent liquids from escaping;

Sustainability has also been an important issue in the sector

Concern about sustainability has grown more and more every day. This is yet another challenge faced by the food industry. The trend is for this sector to become increasingly “green”, adopting conscious consumption, reuse and recycling of its inputs. In the logistics sector, this means a less polluting vehicle, for example.

Finally, according to IBGE, the Brazilian population should reach 233 million inhabitants in 2047, around 22 million more than in 2020. This means that food and drink consumption still has a lot to grow.


Axis Shipping: extra care when transporting food and drinks

Choosing a suitable logistics operator for the logistics of products in this segment is fundamental to the success of the process.

At Axis you will find the solution to all these challenges. It meets individual needs in a personalized way, with intelligent and exclusive delivery models, sending, safely and quickly, various types of products: dry, frozen or perishable.

Whatever your reality, Axis Shippingoffers solutions.