Our compromise:

always be one step ahead

A company that centralizes logistics management and takes great care to ensure the best experience for customers and partner companies. We think not only about loading and delivery, but about all the details of financial optimization, tax benefits, more favorable modes and the best routes.

Nosso compromisso:

estar sempre um passo à frente

Uma empresa que centraliza a gestão logística e cuida de perto para garantir a melhor experiência para clientes e empresas parceiras. Pensamos não somente na carga e entrega, mas em todos os detalhes de otimização financeira, benefícios fiscais, modais mais favoráveis e nas melhores rotas.

Our Solutions

Air Transport
When agility is essential.
Maritime Transport
When cost matters and time is not an issue.
Road transport
For short and medium distance deliveries.
River Transport
A high level of safety for goods
Rail Transport
When the load is large and the route allows
Project Load
Differentiated logistics that require special treatment.
Logistics Control and Outsourcing Tower
Complete integration of all processes.
Customized solutions that enable specific routes and reduce logistics costs.
Clearance and Tax Benefits
More economical and safe options for importing and exporting.

Perfect in everything.

More than perfect in:


The best logistics service in Latin America!

Companies that trust Axis

More than 20 years of efficient and integrated logistics.


Sotreq Group

We began our partnership with Axis Shipping in 2018 and since then, not only has the volume of processes increased, but also the confidence in the work and delivery they carry out for us. When our cargo is with Axis, we know that the shipment will go well, that we will have respect in our relationships, that we will have good follow-up and, even in the case of any mishap in the process, we know that the Axis team will provide us with a logistical solution. as soon as possible. We are delighted to be in contact with a partner like Axis!


I have complete confidence in Axis Shipping's services, they are always willing to help us with whatever we need. The work is very well carried out, with agility, information passed quickly and the team is very receptive. We always know the status of the process, we are never without information.

Serabi Mineiração S/A

Having Axis Shipping as a business partner means having the confidence that an import or export process is conducted and cared for through the feeling of ownership, with the feeling of ownership.

Alunorte do Brasil

I had as a partner in the Foreign Trade Area the company Axis Shipping, which always served us with great insight and promptness. From the removal of imported materials from abroad to the arrival of the material in Belém. Axis is a very assertive, responsible and serious company.

Kinross Brasil Mineração S/A

Kinross Brasil Mineração S/A has been operating with Axis Shipping for over 15 years transporting import/export cargo. This company provides excellent quality services, presenting solutions that reduce costs, and also has a team of extremely qualified professionals.

Talk to Axis

Your cargo, our priority.

Your cargo, our priority.